الرجاء الضغط هنا للاطلاع على حقوق الزبائن باللغة العربية
Byblos Bank strives to ensure the protection of all its customers by maintaining its overall transparency. Current and future clients can rest assured that Byblos Bank abides by all of the rules established by the relevant regulatory institutions in order to protect each and every one of the Customer Rights listed below – and to help individuals protect themselves by increasing awareness of Customer Duties as well.
Byblos Bank customers can submit any complaints via the Bank’s website, www.byblosbank.com, by calling Byblos Bank Customer Service 24/7 at +961 1 20 50 50 or 1650, or by mailing a letter to Byblos Bank’s PO Box at 11-5605, Riad El-Solh, Beirut, Lebanon 1107-2811. All registered complaints will be directly transferred to the concerned entity at Head Office; the management and staff at the concerned branch shall not take cognizance of their content.
Byblos Bank has established a mechanism which ensures that claims are handled accurately, efficiently, and objectively. Customers who do not feel that their complaints have been adequately dealt with also can address them directly to the Lebanese administrative or judicial authorities. In such instances, the Bank will provide appropriate instructions on how to submit a complaint.